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Presentation of the book "Educación en tiempos de desigualdades. El derecho bajo amenaza en el Ecuador", Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Del Ecuador


 (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Cuenca) – The UPS (Ecuador) university presented the book: “Educación en tiempos de desigualdades. El derecho bajo amenaza en el Ecuador”, edited by the university’s Abya Yala Publishing House and coordinated by Magaly Robalino, Carlos Crespo, Maria Elena Ortiz and Maria Sol Villagomez. 

The book encourages inclusive education and education that is committed to life and students’ wellbeing. The book is based on Alliance for Education Rights in Ecuador (CENAISE for its acronym in Spanish) which was created in April during the pandemic. “Red Estrado” and “Red Quipus” were also part of the book.

More than 220 people attended the meeting; UPS president Juan Cardenas welcomed everyone to the meeting and congratulated the authors.


“Creativity and imagination are necessary to overcome difficulties, this book presents its commitment to education in our country”

– Fr. Juan Cardenas, UPS president.


Magaly Robalino, researcher at CENAISE and one of the coordinators, explained that the book contains real testimonies of teachers’ lives, their personal and professional motivation, problems and commitments. “The book seeks to value and appreciate teachers’ work, contribute to equality, inclusion and social justice”, she said. 


Rosana Moreno Arteaga, author and teacher from the city of Riobamba, read some testimonies that reflect the concerns and efforts of teachers and students. “At the end of each class I have a feeling of absence and remoteness. Despite using the best technology, nothing can replace the heart of a true educator. Students are forgetting how beautiful school coexistence is. So many reports and meetings, have turned us into mere spectators “.


María Sol Villagómez, vice president of the UPS branch in Quito, co-author of the article “Entre la continuidad, el discurso y la exclusión” and also coordinator of the book, pointed out that “During the pandemic, teachers looked for alternatives to the curriculum in order to achieve students’ learning, including other ways of doing education despite inequalities. These adaptations and actions demonstrate a commitment to teaching “.


Maria Elena Ortiz, coordinator of the Curricular Policies and Educational Practices Research Group, said “The reflections show the commitment to the universal right to education, so that it is real for children who live in different situations and in difficult circumstances”. 


Posted by: Miguel Leonardo Reino