India – Don Bosco College...
(Don Bosco Arts & Science College Angadikadavu, Kerala) – The Kerala State Women’s Commission 2020 Media Award for the Best Feature on Women is won by Sreekala MS, an alumnus of the Department of Journalism, Don Bosco…
(Don Bosco Arts & Science College Angadikadavu, Kerala) – The Kerala State Women’s Commission 2020 Media Award for the Best Feature on Women is won by Sreekala MS, an alumnus of the Department of Journalism, Don Bosco…
(Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, Barcelona) – El transporte y las energías viven un momento de transición. Y, en esta encrucijada por desarrollar tecnologías cada vez más eficientes y sostenibles, los ingenieros e ingenieras se convierten en…
Don Bosco Higher Education Awards 2021-2022 The main objectives of the award are: Sensitise teachers about the potential of innovative practices and experiments for improvement of teaching-learning; Encourage teachers and teacher educators to try out innovative ideas…
Don Bosco Higher Education Awards 2021-2022 The main objectives of the award are: Sensitise teachers about the potential of innovative practices and experiments for improvement of teaching-learning; Encourage teachers and teacher educators to try out innovative ideas…
Don Bosco Higher Education Awards 2021-2022 SCOPE There is a need to strengthen the roots of democracy, inculcate healthy habits of discipline, tolerance of the view of others and to enable the student community to know…
(Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, Barcelona) – El profesor catalán Mario Lanza ha desarrollado un sistema de encriptación de datos electrónicos mediante materiales bidimensionales. Los resultados de esta investigación son el tema de portada del último número…
(Universidad Salesiana UNISAL, Bahía Blanca) – A partir de esta expresión el doctor en Educación Pablo Gentili inició el primer conversatorio abierto dentro de la asignatura “Corrientes Pedagógicas Contemporáneas” la Licenciatura en Educación de la Universidad Salesiana.…
(UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba e Lins) – O UniSALESIANO, por meio da Pastoral Universitária, promove ações comemorativas do mês de Maio, mês dedicado a Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora, padroeira da Instituição, e também às mães. Como obra salesiana que…
(UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba e Lins) – O médico clínico e intensivista, Dr. Marcelo Spegiorin Moreno, docente do Curso de Medicina do UniSALESIANO, ressalta ser de extrema importância o uso da máscara na proteção contra a Covid-19 e de…
Don Bosco College of Agriculture is organizing an International webinar on Hydroponics. The information and live demonstration in the webinar may motivate youth and entrepreneurs to Opt for hydroponics as a business venture. When talking about the…