(Istituto Universitario Salesiano Torino Rebaudengo, Torino) – In collaboration with the Teleos Leadership Institute of Philadelphia (United States), IUSTO offers a unique course of its kind:
- Welcome, Andrea PINTONELLO
- Introduction to the course, Maria Grazia AVATANEO FEY
- Teleos Program Philosophy, Frances JOHNSTON
- Short coaching exercise – experiential activity, Frances JOHNSTON
- Questions and Conclusions
Avataneo Fey Maria Grazia: psychologist, ICF-PCC certified professional coach, guest lecturer at IUSTO (courses: Psychology of Human Resources Management and Psychology of Orientation). Collaborate with national and international organizations in Europe, North America, South America, Asia as a consultant for a wide range of sectors, public and private, in people development, coaching, training, potential assessment, leadership development, change management services; he carried out temporary management activities in HR international.
Johnston Frances: Psychologist, Ph.D., ICF Certified Master Coach – MCC, Lecturer at Wharton Aresty Institute Executive Education and Brookings Institute of Executive Education in Washington, DC, Certified Supervisor-Coach Mentor. Co-founder of the Teleos Leadership Institute, she is a world-class consultant facilitator and coach. He has designed leadership development and transformation, emotional intelligence, group dynamics improvement, and organizational renewal programs across a wide range of organizations and sectors across North America, Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and Asia.
Pintonello Andrea: Psychologist, specialized in Psychomotricity, School orientation, Sports pedagogy. He has worked extensively as an educator at aggregative services for minors. At the Salesian University Institute of Turin he is a Permanent Lecturer in the Chair of Developmental and Educational Psychology and Head of Educational Sciences Courses; he also teaches Psychology of Orientation and Social Pedagogy and Community Work. He is a member of the pastoral team
Confirm your participation
- Date: January 16, 2021
- Course director: Andrea Pintonello (IUSTO).
- Scientific Technical Committee: Maria Grazia Avataneo Fey (IUSTO), Scientific Director; Alessio Rocchi (IUSTO); Andrea Pintonello (IUSTO); Frances Johnston (Teleos Leadership Institute)
- Qualifications: the program issues a postgraduate degree and the ICF ACTP (Accredited Coach Training Program) international certification from Teleos Leadership Institute, to access the certification and accreditation process at the International Coach Federation (ICF).
- Teaching: Module 1 – Preparation for the coaching methodology; Module 2 – Basic Accredited Coaching Training Program (ACTP); Module 3 – Advanced Accredited Coaching Training Program (ACTP); Final test.
- Attendance: 20 days of training for a total duration of 168 hours.
Module 1 at IUSTO: 2 weekends for a total of 4 days (32 hours)
Module 2 and 3 in residential mode: location being defined (2 workshops of 5 days each) for a total of 10 days (80 hours)
and 40 hours in remote mode; final evaluation 1 day (8 hours)
Official languages
English and Italian.
Course venue:
IUSTO, Piazza Conti di Rebaudengo – Turin. Italy.
Tel. 011 2340083 (Orari: 10.00/13.30-14.30/17.00) – info@ius.to
Teleos Leadership Institute, a consulting firm that deals with leadership development, support for change processes in organizations, teaching and coaching training. It is made up of scholars-professionals who, through research-based practices, base their work on proven models and methodologies and use the fundamentals of emotional and social intelligence, resonant leadership, systems thinking and experiential learning in their practice Teleos Leadership Institute