España – El CES Don...
(Centro de Estudios Superiores Don Bosco, Madrid) – El pasado 30 de septiembre, el CES Don Bosco celebró una jornada de análisis, reflexión e innovación en materia de Educación Social a la que asistieron profesionales de la…
(Centro de Estudios Superiores Don Bosco, Madrid) – El pasado 30 de septiembre, el CES Don Bosco celebró una jornada de análisis, reflexión e innovación en materia de Educación Social a la que asistieron profesionales de la…
(Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda) – Twenty Students of Department of Civil Engineering – Don Bosco College of Engineering attended an International Conference “Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region (CECAR 9)” hosted by The Institution…
(ANS – Rome) – The liturgical texts (orational – lectionary – universal prayer) are published for the celebration of the Memory of St. Artemis Zatti, to be used both on the dedicated liturgical day, Nov. 13, and…
(Universidad Don Bosco, El Salvador) – La Universidad Don Bosco junto con la Distribuidora de Electricidad Delsur – El Salvador concluyeron la primera edición del programa #STEM Academy . Una iniciativa que tiene como finalidad promover el…
(ANS – Turin) – The work of the International Congress of Salesian Works and Social Services proceeds. Gathered at Valdocco, the 300 delegates representing all of the Congregation’s Provinces and Vice-Provinces continued their in-depth study of issues inherent…
(UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba) – Extraordinária é a palavra que define a participação do UniSALESIANO e do Colégio Salesiano “Dom Luiz Lasagna” no novo formato da Expô Araçatuba. Com 200 metros quadrados, o stand das instituições salesianas chamou a atenção das mais de 300…
(ANS – Vatican City) – Today, Thursday, Sept. 29, the theme that the Holy Father Francis has chosen for the 57th World Communications Day, which will be celebrated in 2023, was released: “Speaking the truth in love:…
(Don Bosco College Of Engineering, Fatorda) – The installation ceremony of the CESA (Civil Engineering Student Association) council for the batch of 2022-23 took place on September 9, 2022 at Don Bosco College of Engineering (DBCE), Fatorda…
(Centro Universitário Salesiano UniSALES, Brasil) – A saúde física e qualidade de vida estão diretamente conectadas com a prática constante de exercícios físicos. A galera do curso de Educação Física da Centro Universitário Salesiano UniSALES se aventurou no rapel…
(ANS – Turín) – From Sept. 28 to Oct. 2, the International Congress of Salesian Works and Social Services (OSSS) will be held in Turin-Valdocco, an important moment of reflection and sharing of experiences in this field, whose goal…