Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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Primer Congreso Interuniversitario para la...

  Primer Congreso Interuniversitario para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres La Plataforma Guatemalteca Interuniversitaria para la Gestión de Riesgo de Desastres (InterU-GRD) conformada por once universidades nacionales y asesorada por la Secretaría Ejecutiva de la CONRED (SECONRED)…

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the team of the Dicastery for Youth Ministry begins activities with the celebrationg a Eucharist in Don Bosco's historic room next to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Rome

Dicasterio de Pastoral Juvenil inicia...

  Con la celebración de una Eucaristía en la histórica habitación de Don Bosco que se encuentra junto a la Basílica del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en Roma, el equipo del Dicasterio para la Pastoral Juvenil ha dado…

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RMG – New web portal...

  After several months of work, the General Coordination of the Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) is pleased to present the new IUS web portal to the whole Congregation:  During the last IUS General Assembly (2016) the…

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Italy – Renewal of UPS...

  Last 24 May, Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, in memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians, the Grand Chancellor of the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS), Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, promulgated the General and…

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Argentina – UNISAL awards its...

  For the first time in its history, the Universidad Salesiana  awarded degrees to its first seven graduates. In this particular context, the Faculty of Law handed the degrees to new lawyers who had completed their course between…

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UNISAL’S educational community responds to...

  Paying attention to the needs of each region, the initiatives were focused human dignity and the fight against coronavirus   The Salesian University Center of São Paulo, has decided to cooperate with the  educational community during the…

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The Network of Salesian Institutions...

  On Wednesday, May 20, the first online discussion  entitled “Health crisis, indigenous people and immigrants: fighting racism and inequality from within the University” was held. RIUSI which initiated 2019, brings together three Salesian Institutions in combined work:…

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Ecuador – Students of the...

  Hope, sadness, concern, uncertainty are feelings shared by the 47 intercultural students of the Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS) who would have been sharing laughter, books, and notes, if the COVID – 19 health emergency had not occurred.…

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Ecuador- Students of the intercultural...

  Hope, sadness, concern, uncertainty are feelings shared by the 47 intercultural students of the Salesian Polytechnic University (UPS) who would have been sharing laughter, books, laptops and notes, if the COVID – 19 health emergency hadn’t occurred.…

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India – Shillong Salesians working...

The Salesians of the Shillong Province (INS) have taken action to help the most needy and vulnerable people of the cities and villages located in the states of Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, and in some areas of Assam (Silchar…

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