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Exames de mamografia e preventivo poderão ser realizados gratuitamente na Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB)

Exames de mamografia e preventivo poderão ser realizados gratuitamente na Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB)


(Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, Campo Grande) – Registration is open for women who wish to undergo free mammography and cervical cancer screening tests at the mobile unit of the Hospital do Amor, which will be at the Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB) on November 4th, from 7 am hours, in the parking lot of block A, with a pre-scheduled time.


The appointment must be scheduled in person at the reception of the Clínica-Escola UCDB,, presenting a copy of personal documents (RG, CPF and SUS Card).


On this occasion, the mammogram is intended for women aged between 40 and 69 years and the preventive for women aged 25 to 64 years. Spots are limited. In total, 50 mammograms and 100 preventive exams will be carried out.


Source: Universidade Católica Dom Bosco