Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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María Sol Villagómez, General Coordinator of the IUS Education Group

VIII Assembly Day 4 –...

  (IUS – Rome) – On January 27, the Fourth day, Fr. Oscar Lozano began and directed the session with members of the assembly to discuss, review, and vote on the draft of the two important documents “Policies…

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P. Miguel Ángel García, Consejero para la Pastoral Juvenil Salesiana, quien presento su discruso "Las prioridades de la Pastoral Juvenil Salesiana en el contexto actual de la Congregación”

VIII Asamblea Día 3 –...

  (IUS – Roma) – La jornada del miercoles 26, inicio con la presencia del Padre Miguel Ángel García, Consejero para la Pastoral Juvenil Salesiana, quien presento su discruso “Las prioridades de la Pastoral Juvenil Salesiana en el…

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Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime intervention at the VIII General Assembly of the IUS

VIII Assembly Day 2 –...

  (IUS – Rome) – Tuesday 25, began with the speech of the Rector Major, “Challenges of Higher Education in the Congregation”, followed by an illustration of the evaluations on the 2016-2021 policies, which was presented by Father…

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VIII General Assembly of Salesian Institutions of Higher Education gets underway

VIII General Assembly of Salesian...

  (IUS – Roma) – The first day of the VIII General Assembly of Salesian Institutions of Higher Education (IUS) was held today in Rome. The assembly shall be held in a mixed formula – in presence and…

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Studenti Iusve volano all’Expo di Dubai e partecipano all’incontro delle università sostenibili

Italia – IUSVE studenti partecipano...

  (Istituto Universitario Salesiano de Venezia) – Sono sedici gli studenti dell‘Istituto Universitario Salesiano di Venezia che, insieme al direttore don Nicola Giacopini, hanno partecipato oggi all’evento di Expo Dubai 2020 nell’ambito della Global Goals Week: tra gli…

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estudiantes de tercer año de la Carrera de Pedagogía en Educación Diferencial de la UCSH, mención Discapacidad Intelectual, desarrollaron la experiencia de Aprendizaje Servicio “Lectoescritura para la vida cotidiana: habilitación de aprendizajes funcionales en adultos mayores de la Fundación Villa Padre Alberto Hurtado”

Chile – Estudiantes de UCSH...

  (Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Santiago de Chile) – Durante el segundo semestre del año 2021, estudiantes de tercer año de la Carrera de Pedagogía en Educación Diferencial de la UCSH, mención Discapacidad Intelectual, desarrollaron la experiencia de…

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il tradizionale Viaggio di Collegio Paolo VI, Roma

Italia – Il viaggio di...

  (Colegio Paolo VI, Milano) – Da sabato 4 a martedì 7 dicembre 2021 si è svolto il tradizionale Viaggio di Collegio Paolo VI che aveva come meta la capitale d’Italia e città eterna: Roma.   Il programma…

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The Salesian Youth Ministry celebrates Saint Francis de Sales 400th anniversary with an online event.

Salesian Youth Ministry celebrates Saint...

  (ANS – Rome) – In the Council meeting of SDB Salesian Youth Ministry-LEADS held on 11th December 2021, after approving the guidelines for the World Council of SDB SYM-LEADS, it was unanimously proposed to celebrate the 400th…

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Every January is called a 'Salesian Month' due to the large number of Salesian Family Saints from 8 January to January 31st

Every January we celebrate ‘Salesian...

  (IUS) – Every January is called a ‘Salesian Month’ due to the large number of Salesian Family Saints from 8 January to the end of the month:   January 8: Blessed Martyr Titus Zeman (Martyr of Vocations)…

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The National Service Scheme (NSS) Volunteers of Don Bosco Arts and Science College, Angadikadavu, Kerala,, built and handed over 'Snehaveedu' (the house of love) to the most deserving family in Angadikadavu

India – Salesian Students Build...

  (Don Bosco Arts & Science College Angadikadavu, Kerala) –  The National Service Scheme (NSS) Volunteers of Don Bosco Arts and Science College, Angadikadavu, Kerala, built and handed over ‘Snehaveedu’ (the house of love) to the most deserving family…

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