Salesian Institutions of Higher Education
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The ISDB COVID-19 Commission attends Biosafety and Biosecurity training program, Mozamque, Africa

Mozambique – The ISDB COVID-19...

  (Instituto Superior Dom Bosco, Mozambique) – As part of the ISDB safe reopening process, during the times of pandemic, there is a need to create appropriate solutions to face this process. The ISDB COVID-19 Commission team attended…

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Spain – EUSS directs €...

  The Escola Universitat Salesiana de Sarri has doubled its student aid and increased collaboration scholarships by 50%. A total of 130,000 euros of scholarship budget will provide 73 applications, more than half of those previously  submitted  …

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Father Juan Pablo Zabala Tórrez, sdb signs the Solidarity Agreement with the company S.A. (TELECEL S.A.) for movil Internet access

Bolivia – Salesiana de Bolivia...

  (Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia, La Paz) – En medio de una extrema crisis educativa, toda la comunidad académica de la Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia ha estado analizando los desafíos y proyectando las oportunidades, en torno a las…

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The building of the former municipal emergency room will be revitalized and transformed into a specialty clinic by a partnership between the Centro Universitário Católico Salesiano Auxilium - UniSALESIANO and the City Hall of Araçatuba

Brasil – Prefeitura e UniSALESIANO...

  (UniSALESIANO, Araçatuba e Lins) – O prédio do antigo pronto-socorro municipal será revitalizado e transformado em ambulatório de especialidades por uma parceria entre o Centro Universitário Católico Salesiano Auxilium – UniSALESIANO e a Prefeitura de Araçatuba. O projeto…

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María Sol Villagómez is appointed as the new vice-chancellor of the Salesian Polythecnic University Quito campus.

Ecuador – María Sol Villagómez...

  (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Quito) – El Consejo Superior de la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) presidido por el P. Francisco Sánchez, Inspector de los Salesianos en Ecuador y el P. Javier Herrán, Rector, designó como vicerrectora de la…

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